Link utili

Altri link utili di antichità

LGNP Lexicon of Greek Personal Names


Pleiades Dizionario geografico dei luoghi antichi


Pelagios Commons Pelagios Commons provides online resources and a community forum for using open data methods to link and explore historical places


Centre for the Study of Ancient Documents Il Centre for the Study of Ancient Documents della Oxford University - Faculty of Literae Humaniores


Reception of Greek literature in the period 300 BC-AD 800 Reception of Greek literature in the period 300 BC-AD 800: tradition of the fragments


ETANA Electronic Tools and Ancient Near East Archives


AWOL The Ancient World on line


Recogito An online platform for collaborative document annotation


Peripleo A map-based search engine for exploring data annotated by Pelagios.


Blog, post e podcast

Ancient Curses Ancient Curses is a general resource about curses, curse tablets, and related miscellany in the ancient world compiled by Dr. Sarah Veale (University of Toronto)


Current Epigraphy Current Epigraphy reports news and events in Greek and Latin epigraphy


Curses! Sarah Veale on the Cult of Magna Mater and Ancient Curse-Tablets (SHWEP podcast) Magicians, Ghosts, Amulets, and Spells Daniel Ogden on Græco-Roman Magic (SHWEP podcast)


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